Earth, the bringer of life (copyright 2005 by Graham Howard)
Premiered by The Occasional Sinfonia, conducted by Graham Howard. March 2005 at the Sydney Town Hall.
Earth, the bringer of life was commissioned to be performed alongside Holst's The Planets by the National Parks Association in 2004. The premiere was at a concert to raise awareness of environmental issues in the forest area known as The Pilliga, with the aim of having a National Park established in the area.
Earth The Bringer of Life.mp3
MP3 Audio File 17.7 MB
Earth, the bringer of life Educational Booklet
A booklet of information related to Earth, the bringer of life, with analysis and examples.
Earth Educational Booklet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.9 MB
Earth, the bringer of life Full Score
Complete Score of Earth, the bringer of life. This score may ONLY be printed for private use by schools or students. (The format in the original is A3 portrait) Copying of this score for other purposes is not permitted. For other uses, please contact the composer at the email address at the bottom of this website
HOWARD Earth Full Score.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
